Monday, April 18, 2011

Henry came to visit..

A few weekends ago Katie and John went to see "Wicked" here in Fresno with the Wiebe family. When she called to see if we would baby sit Henry while they went to the show I couldn't think of anything else I would rather do. Not living in the same town, I miss out on all of the everyday things with my nephew... like babysitting. So Andrew and I were totally excited to spend the day with Henry. Here are a few highlights from our time. (All of the pictures are taken outside because that is all Henry wanted to do... play outside)

He was very intrigued by Olive's dog house...

...also with the helmets that were in our garage.

Yes, maybe a little biased, but I have the cutest nephew in the world!!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love Andrew's pictures! Henry loved spending the day with you. John told Henry that Andrew surfs, so anytime he sees surfing on TV he points and says, "Drew!" It's pretty cute :)